You’ll be prompted to create a password, but you don’t really need to save it unless you want to actually login as this user.
adduser -home /home/toruser toruser (or whatever username you want to use). To do so, run these commands from Terminal: You can create a new user and configure Tor to run as that user even though you’re logged in as root. Instead, follow the instructions below to add a new non-root user. Some website will tell you to edit the launcher script, but that is not the recommended method. If you’re running Kali Linux as root, you might get an error saying you can’t run Tor as root. This will launch Vidalia and once that connects to Tor, it will launch Firefox. To run the Tor Browser Bundle, execute the start-tor-browser script from the directory you just extracted. This command assumes this is the only file in the directory that starts with “tor”. Download the architecture-appropriate file above, save it somewhere, then run the tar command to extract the package from the download directory: tar -xvf tor*. Download a package called torbrowser-launcher which can be found here: GitHub – TorBrowser-Launcher. Download the Tor Bundle from here: Tor Bundle Download. How To Install Tor Browser In Kali Linux Manually
See the instructions below if you’re running Kali as root. This shortcut will only work if you’re not running as the root user. Now you’ll have a new Tor Browser application in the Applications menu under Usual Applications and Internet.
Run apt-get install tor torbrowser-launcher and select Y at the prompt.How To Install Tor Browser In Kali Linux Using Apt Related Article: Install Tor Browser in Ubuntu Linux